Welcome to My Dana Farber Running Diary
About a week or so ago, I was accepted to be part of the Dana Farber Marathon Challenge team.
The past year has been a tough one for me and my family, losing two very special people to different types of cancer. So, I'm very excited to be part of this marathon challenge team as a way to help eradicate - or at least understand - this disease that takes not only people's lives, but, very often, their dignity as well.
The Dana Farber Cancer Institute is one of the most well respected research facilities in the world, and this opportunity to help is one that I am very grateful for. So, obviously, much of this is about fundraising, and I hope that anyone who reads this, will open their wallets and support me as I support this cause. For those of you that have already - thank you very much!
Part of the fundraising technique is a web page that Dana Farber provides for us, so that our supporters can pledge online, and the financial aspects of support are easy to transact. Talking about this with a friend of mine, he really liked the web page because it shows how much progress I have made toward achieving my financial objective. However, the way he said it, got my mind spinning. He said, well, we can all 'track your progress'.
Well, friends and supporters, I not only need your money, I need your moral support as well! And the concept of this blog is for you to be able to watch how I progress between now and April 16th, 2007, when I plan to be crossing the finish line of the Boston Marathon with a big smile on my face.
Thanks, in advance, for your support! It has been 8 years since I have run a marathon, and my conditioning has a long way to go in order to complete this race. As I start this odyssey, I know that there will be days of pain - much like those I'm running for knew. But my pain will be so paltry compared to theirs, and theirs will be an inspiration to me. Thanks again for coming on this journey with me. I have no idea where it will lead... but here we go!
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